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彼女が私の父と離婚した後、私はセクシーで金髪の継母と新しい種類の関係を築きました.私は、大きなおっぱいとふくよかなお尻を持つこの見事でスリムな女性が女神のように犯され、私の巨大な雄鶏を吸うことを気にしなかったことを知りました. @xxussolmelic
コメント (2)
  • Mr Horny: I’m in my fifties my step mum! She’s in her early seventies! She became my step mum 45 years ago, we’ve always had a very good strong happy relationship, when I left home in my mid twenties, I always visited my father and step mum at least twice a week, my father passed away a few years ago! I carried on visiting my step mum just the same at least twice a week. On Xmas Eve 2024, honestly I’d never thought I’d be telling this! Me and my Step mum had Sex for the first time! Yes it was Amazing,sensational and it filled my body with sheer excitement, just thinking about now! When my cock entered her hairy pussy, makes me smile. Yes me and my elderly step mum had sex! She told me! That she’s pleased it happened, and doesn’t regret us having sex! I totally agreed with her, We both agreed that our relationship should be a Long Term Sexual Relationship from now on! Since our first time, we’ve made love several times our feelings for each other are stronger than ever, Only the other day we were relaxing in bed after making love, she was laying beside me with her head on my shoulder gently stroking my chest! Then without any warning said! “ I’m falling in love with you!” I asked her to repeat it, she lifted her head looking at me, “ I’m falling in love with you!” Wowww I thought! She lay her head back on me, saying! “Well then what have you got to say!” I told her I totally understand how you feel! Because I honestly feel the same! I’m slowly falling in love with you! She looked up at me again saying “Only slowly” she made me laugh a little! Ok I’m falling in love with you as well, she then said “ what shall we do!” I immediately told her ! We’ll grab it by both our hands and enjoy the ride! She laughed and said wow that’ll be one ride I’m seriously going to enjoy!.Not forgetting since I performed cunnilingus with her for the first time!she’s an Avid supporter of cunnilingus, “ she can be pretty noisy when she receiving cunnilingus, her Orgasms last a while.
  • Physiosophy: Looks like an interesting watch. Probably worth the time!
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